How Safe are Alabama School Buses?

Over the years, I have handled a number of claims of injuries where buses were involved.  Some involved Greyhound, while others involved school buses. Both types of buses are governed by the federal motor carrier laws and regulations.  There are at least two main issues that are reoccurring, particularly in school bus litigation: the lack...

NHTSA: Who They Are and What They Do

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is an organization established in 1970 by the Highway Safety Act.  It is dedicated to achieving the highest standards in motor vehicle and highway safety possible.  Its primary goals are to help prevent highway crashes.  Its stated mission is to “Save lives, prevent injuries, reduce vehicle-related crashes.”  So,...

Are Trucking Companies Regulated by the Federal Government?

You may recall the accident in early June of 2014, in which comedian Tracy Morgan was injured.  His limousine was struck by a Wal-Mart truck driver, whom it was determined, was speeding while fatigued.  The truck driver did not have his automatic braking system engaged either.  It was determined, after a federal investigation of the...

Don’t Eat and Drive!

Certainly you have seen the public service announcements and warnings on the roadway not to text and drive.  Put down that cell phone while you’re driving.  Cell phones can obviously create a dangerous distraction, often resulting in serious injuries or even death.  But cell phones are not the only driving distraction that most of us...

Are All Catastrophic Injuries Permanent?

If you have been involved in a serious accident and suffered severe injuries, your injuries may be considered catastrophic.  Catastrophic injuries are distinct because they are most often severe or even permanent.  Whether you have physical or emotional injuries, there is a chance they may be permanent.  Yet, to be characterized as catastrophic, they don’t...

Do You Have a Birth Injury Claim?

Wrongful death claims arise when death is caused by the negligence of someone else.  In those particular cases, survivors of the victim may be entitled to compensation for that death.  On the other hand, there are certain claims such as “wrongful birth” or “wrongful life” claims, which are often confused with wrongful death claims.  These...

Manufacturing Defect Product Liability Claims

Even a well-designed product can have defects that have the potential to harm consumers.  A product defect can be the result of improper manufacturing that departs from the intended design for that product.  When a manufacturing defect such as contaminated prescription drugs or a faulty metal hip replacement causes injuries to consumers, the manufacturer can...

What you Need to Know about Catastrophic Brain Injuries

When you hear the word “catastrophic” you know it must be something serious.  Generally speaking, a catastrophic injury is an injury so severe that it leads to either a long-term medical condition, a permanent disability or shorter life expectancy.  There are various different types of catastrophic injuries commonly associated with personal injury claims.  One example...

Challenges in Proving Manufacturing Defects

If you have been injured while using a product that you purchased, you may have a product liability claim.  These types of injuries are not uncommon, as thousands of consumers are injured each year from using a defective product.  There are three basic types of defective product cases: manufacturing defects, design defects and failure to...

Understanding the Defense of Contributory Negligence in Alabama

Personal injury claims are generally based on someone else’s negligence.  In other words, you are injured because someone else acted negligently and caused you to be injured in some way.  If you can prove your claim, that is – prove that the other person was negligent and caused your injury, then you may be entitled...


324 Commons Drive Birmingham, Alabama 35209


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Montgomery: 4758 Woodmere Blvd., Suite F-155, Montgomery, AL 36106



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