Practice AreasATV Rollovers

ATV Rollovers

Certain ATV and UTV sport recreational vehicles have been proven to have stability problems or other design flaws that make them prone to rolling over under certain circumstances. One such UTV is the Yamaha Rhino, and we are currently handling and investigating accidents involving roll overs and other injuries while using a Yamaha Rhino.

Defective Products

Although they often cause catastrophic injuries, product defects and dangerous premises often go unrecognized, and consequently, are not pursued in our civil justice system. Many of the attorneys at The Means Firm have considerable experience representing people who have been injured by defective consumer and industrial products.

We handle a wide range of defective products cases, including vehicle rollovers, tire failures, helmet failures, defective medical equipment, and adulterated and foreign objects in food.

We have handled and continue to handle a wide variety of claims and lawsuits on behalf of a very diverse clientele. Most of our cases are settled on a confidential basis. Also, we are mindful of the privacy rights of our clients.

However, we want you to know a little about how we have helped our clients over the years. While our firm’s practice areas are predominately wrongful death and personal injury cases, particularly commercial motor vehicle collisions and other vehicular accidents, a wide variety of products liability cases, nursing home litigation, and premises liability cases, we also have a veteran and thriving public sector defense litigation practice and provide counsel to a number of governmental agencies at various levels of government.

More often than not, recovering damages from the manufacturer of a defective product involves extremely complex litigation, using experts in many scientific disciplines. Generally, product defects which cause injuries fall into the following categories:

Design Defect 
Manufacturing Defect

Inadequate Warnings/Packaging/Marketing Defect
Consumer ProductsHousehold Products

Industrial Products

Mailing Addresses
1601 5th Avenue North, Suite 280
Birmingham, AL 35203
4758 Woodmere Blvd., Suite F-155, Montgomery, AL 36106
(205) 586-7023
(334) 895-7011
Monday - Friday
8 am to 5 pm

Frequently Asked Questions

product Defects which cause injuries fall into the following categories:

Design Defect: The manufacturer of a product may fail to design it in such a way that it is reasonably safe for its intended and/or foreseeable uses.

Manufacturing Defect: In some cases, a product has been designed safely, but a problem in the manufacturing process has rendered it defective and unreasonably dangerous.

Inadequate Warnings/Packaging/Marketing Defect: Sometimes, products cannot be designed and manufactured in a way that all risks of injury to the user are eliminated. In such situations, the manufacturer of the product is required to place an effective warning on the product or its packaging which informs the user of the risk of injury, as well as how to avoid it. The maker of a product can be held liable for injuries caused by a hazard of which he was aware, but failed to warn the consumer or user.
The ability to recognize product liability issues is undoubtedly one of the most important skills of the successful product liability lawyer. Unfortunately, because product defects frequently do not cause the incident in which the injury is sustained, but instead make the injuries more severe, product defects are overlooked.
For example, consider a case in which drugs or alcohol was involved in a car crash. While intoxication caused the crash in the first place, the driver’s injuries from the crash may be more severe because of the vehicle’s lack of durability in a crash (i.e. “crash- worthiness”). Similarly, while cooking oil accidentally left on a stove may be the immediate cause of a household fire, a defective smoke alarm or security system may be the cause of death by smoke inhalation or severe burns.

Product liability issues may be involved in many situations where a person has been catastrophically injured or killed. The products liability attorneys of Means Gillis Law, PC have handled the following types of products liability cases:

Consumer Products

  • automobile crashworthiness litigation
  • defective consumer electronics
  • defective and dangerous household appliances
  • defective and dangerous power tools and equipment
  • defective and dangerous toys
  • flammable clothing and sleep wear

Household Products

  • prescription drugs
  • over-the-counter drugs
  • dietary supplements
  • cosmetics and hair care products
  • food

Industrial Products

  • inadequately guarded punch press machines
  • inadequately guarded die press machines
  • inadequately guarded meat and poultry processing machines
  • defectively designed forklifts and other loading machinery
  • defectively designed scaffolding and other lifting systems

Frequently Asked Questions

What to expect from the first meeting with your solicitor?

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Mailing Addresses

Birmingham: 1601 5th Avenue North, Suite 280 Birmingham, AL 35203
Montgomery: 4758 Woodmere Blvd., Suite F-155, Montgomery, AL 36106



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No representation is made that the quality of legal services is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

Mailing Addresses

Birmingham: 1601 5th Avenue North, Suite 280 Birmingham, AL 35203
Montgomery: 4758 Woodmere Blvd., Suite F-155, Montgomery, AL 36106



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No representation is made that the quality of legal services is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.